A Question on the Server's Population

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A Question on the Server's Population

by Starfallen » Thu Mar 05, 2015 2:25 am

Hello to all,

As the subject line suggests, I have a question on the population of the server, specifically being this: where would Nostalrius' current population sit when compared to the old (vanilla) Blizzard standards for a server's population? E.g., full, high, medium, etc.

Thank you for your time.

Re: A Question on the Server's Population

by Ivina » Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:43 am

Some people say the upper limit of population in a vanilla retail server was 2500 players. It means it was the population when you needed to wait in a queue before playing. Needless to say that the displayed status was "high" in such a case.

According to that standard, the peak population of Nostalrius, 5100 players, is more that twice the population limit of "high" density servers.

I have to mitigate this with two remarks:
- the vanilla limit of 2500 players is something I've read in a post somewhere on this forum. This is not directly from a reliable source.
- from burning crusade, it is likely the upper limit was increased. Current "high" populated server probably have a limit of 5k or more.
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Re: A Question on the Server's Population

by OGTUCKER117 » Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:41 pm

it would be considered a high population realm.
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