So I heard this server was good BUT...

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So I heard this server was good BUT...

by Fanadin » Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:24 pm

I also heard that nearly all formulas were wrong, and people were doing twice or more the damage they're supposed to do in raids etc. Also heard a lot of other game mechanics are broken, as well as some events.

Basically i've heard from a few people is that since damage is so high, PVE is incredibly easy and people just blow through instances.

Can anyone confirm? this will determine if I bother playing... also said damage was wrong in pvp too.

Re: So I heard this server was good BUT...

by sgtnanners » Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:58 pm

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Re: So I heard this server was good BUT...

by Robotron » Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:00 pm

Damage isn't wrong. People just aren't as dumb and bad as they were 10 years ago. When your average raider played with < 5 fps, no idea how to min-max gear, barely using consumables, and no idea how to do a rotation (Rogues not knowing what Slice and Dice was, etc), yeah, people are going to be doing way more DPS now than they were in 2005.
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Re: So I heard this server was good BUT...

by Fanadin » Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:00 pm

sgtnanners wrote:What


You clearly can speak/understand English, what's the problem?

Re: So I heard this server was good BUT...

by Fanadin » Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:01 pm

Robotron wrote:Damage isn't wrong. People just aren't as dumb and bad as they were 10 years ago. When your average raider played with < 5 fps, no idea how to min-max gear, barely using consumables, and no idea how to do a rotation (Rogues not knowing what Slice and Dice was, etc), yeah, people are going to be doing way more DPS now than they were in 2005.

I've gotten this information from someone who had a wow private server and has coded quite a bit.

My point is I don't think it's related to people just being stupid 10 years ago with crap computers, he specifically said the damage formulas for a lot of abilities aren't what blizzard set them to.

Re: So I heard this server was good BUT...

by phatonic » Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:05 pm

1.12.1 talents, more dmg there than with with the talents we were supoused to have.
and as mentiond people know more stuff than they did back then, lots of people didnt max their stuff no addons etc etc.
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Re: So I heard this server was good BUT...

by Fanadin » Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:07 pm

Honestly I played before the rag nerf (Don't remember patch, zul gurub didn't exist, meaning you had to do molten core with shit gear from BRS/strath/scholo... meaning everyone's gear was crap. BWL literally came out as i had quit.

made it a lot harder.

Rag was nearly impossible without ZG gear pre-nerf.

But i've heard that this server and all servers in general are missing key raiding code, which makes it a little different experience.

Re: So I heard this server was good BUT...

by billys1337 » Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:16 pm

Regardless it's still super fun and as close to the real thing as you'll find anywhere so just stop worrying and enjoy it like most people are :)
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Re: So I heard this server was good BUT...

by crime » Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:21 pm

I also played retail from launch and had the pleasure of wiping on vael pre-nerf. Theres no doubt in my mind that while the normal is now for players to understand min/max and rotations a lot better the skill of playrrs is actually lower. Most of the players on private servers are not as invested and not as knowledgeable aboutthe classes/encounters as they were on retail. That said most of them would out dps most players from retail due to better itemization/rotation.

That said, theres definitely something wrong with the dps ppl are able to pull. My gutt feeling is blizzard had damage mitigation on bosses where the raid bosses took less damage than a non-elite mob in the open world. It feels (no evidence) like what boss dr there is, is far lower than it was like on retail. For example vael is being killed in 90 seconds by some guilds, no matter how u wanna say it that was inpossible on retail till u had naxx gear. Rag without sons was the holeygrail but practically every guild does it here.

So yes, no matter what anyone tried to tell u damage is overtuned.

That said this is by far the best private server around. Pretty much everything works as intended and while the fights r a little easy its not meaningles lile most private servers. You can certainly get your progression accomplishment feeling from downing nef for the first time.

Re: So I heard this server was good BUT...

by PanTheSatyr » Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:23 pm

I heard that trolls occasionally come on the forums and spout crap. Be on the lookout for those guys.
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