Chillwind Poin Quest

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Chillwind Poin Quest

by Alastore87 » Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:03 pm

I can't get it.

I'm lvl 50 with my Paladin and went to the Trainer to get spells and the quest but it didn't pop up nor the followup in the WPL. Now, since that questline is a really nice one and elads to a Sunken Temple quest which gives awesome rewards I'd like to be able to get and do it.

Is there a way or is it bugged and/or not available?

Re: Chillwind Poin Quest

by gotmilk0112 » Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:08 pm

Sunken Temple quests aren't implemented yet. IIRC they're not supposed to be in the game until 1.9 or 1.10
knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Chillwind Poin Quest

by Alastore87 » Thu Oct 29, 2015 2:29 pm

Aren't we on 1.12 already? Will it be implemented?

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