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High quality customer support

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:32 am
by Blackadder
Yesterday my lvl 16 character went missing for unknown reasons (bug in database) . I reported it on the BUG section of the forum and in an ingame ticket. I got a forum reply almost immediately telling me they were researching it and it could take some time.

I got a staff reply within 12 hours. (I was asleep at that time) After I replied a private message the next morning I got contacted within minutes telling me to get online in game on another (lvl 1) character.

I got assistance by a GM immediately, checking my identity and 2 minutes later my character was restored.

But his momma wouldn't recognize him cause all his HAIR was gone.

When I mentioned this fact to the GM he told me he could fix that as well. And he did.

All together I want to say I feel this situation was handled as professionally as if it was Blizzard themselves. My compliments staff!

Re: High quality 'customer' support

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:12 pm
by Hatson
As many bugs as the server might have, even though it seems fewer (so far) than most other privates, the staff is by far the best part of Nostalrius.
How they react to gamebreaking bugs or lag issues with quick server resets and customer support like your case here is just fantastic.
The best aspects so far of Nostalrius for me, besides the huge community ofc, would be the very smooth flowing gameplay, almost zero lag even with over 5000 people online, and how quickly and professionally important matters are handled.

Re: High quality 'customer' support

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 1:40 pm
by Magnifican
They seem to be communicating with the community as well. Give responsive and quick fixes. I agree this is the best part of this server. It has very good and so far reliable staff! Im very impressed. If they keep up like this most bugs will be fixed in due time. Much respect 8-)