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When and how is this lagg gonna be dealt with?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 3:44 pm
by Odomiah
Staff team please, can we get more info about this problem?

I'm coming from 30-39 AB which is finished like 5mins ago, and I'm extremely frustrated.
As rogue I had HUGE delays in my opening shots.

We won that bg, so don't think I'm QQing here cuz I'm pissed cuz of loss.
It's that I do pvp alot even on low lvls. I plan to play pvp here mostly.
If this is what I'm gonna have to deal with.... sorry but I can't call that "having a good time".

This lagg happens way to often lately. Used to be once per day, now it's like every day - most of the day.
Can we get some info on this from you guys?
Do you have any plans for solving this and when we can expect a fix?

Just to avoid "omg it's free" responses: I know that, ok? Isn't it ok to ASK? Do you see hate-posting here? Am I DEMANDING something?

Re: When and how is this lagg gonna be dealt with?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 3:53 pm
by Zeh
too me it sounds like u just play on weekends, when there is around 7+k online... during the week where there is normally 4-5k online there isnt much lag tbh. only before server crashes..

also im not a coder, but i dont think this game was designed to handle 7-8k players, so i dont think they can do much about it tbh.. afaik the big servers in vanilla had like 2ish k players, mebbe im wrong

Re: When and how is this lagg gonna be dealt with?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 3:54 pm
by notgunnahappen
There's 8200 people online. If you truly want to play prime time on weekends you got to deal with some delay

Re: When and how is this lagg gonna be dealt with?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 4:41 pm
by Odomiah
this lagg happens with 5-6 k ppl online too...
I play every day at least 3h and I always experience this sort of lagg.

Maybe you are not playing rogues :) It's literally every second ambush that is delayed in past 3 days, regardless of time and online count.
Its very nice to cast ambush and see target run with 100%hp for like 2 more seconds... or spam the key and get "out of range" message even tough you are in perfect position.

The GAME isn't made for 8k ppl either, you lack ores, you lack herbs, you lagg, you dc
The number of material nodes is enough to make up for raiding population of 3k players per realm, not 5k more. Economy here is fked up, going from low lvl gear up to flasks and stacks of herbs.

Maybe its just time to consider opening 2nd pvp realm and allow transfers to re-distribute population over the two realms. The server would benefit greatly from it as gameplay experience of majority of people would improve drastically.
Lagg is just one of reasons, and honestly for pvp crowd it's the biggest reason to get 2nd pvp realm.

Re: When and how is this lagg gonna be dealt with?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 4:56 pm
by Eldemer
Inc. crash #2 in the past hour...

Re: When and how is this lagg gonna be dealt with?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 4:58 pm
by Doofoos
Crashes occurs because im trying to clear Tribute with my group =\

Re: When and how is this lagg gonna be dealt with?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 4:59 pm
by Macalister
I have to agree, any official word on what is actually going on would be great. Communication is the good stuff, give us the good stuff.
Yesterday was alright but the 3 days before it was awful, today is awful. Whats up?


PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 5:03 pm
by Tosicx
Odomiah wrote:When and how is this lagg gonna be dealt with?

It cannot be dealt with. No private server, including this one, can't handle this many players online.
Noticeable lag will always be present when there are more than ~5200 players online.
Only possible solution is to limit online population on 4500-5000 but no one wants that.

Re: When and how is this lagg gonna be dealt with?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 5:06 pm
by gussman
Yes are the servers going to get more stable any time soon?

What's going on. Is it overpop or ddos?
I've had 2-3 games out of five where we were winning AB as horde and boom DC.
1560 to 960 score, 4 bases to 1 - boom, DC.
When alli are winning it's all fine, game goes on.

I simply cannot buy that it's a server-only issue but rather a focused attack such as ddos to ruin games.
I mean some people are reeeally tryharding in PVP and I wouldn't be surprised if they manipulated the stability of the server to their advantage.

Re: When and how is this lagg gonna be dealt with?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 5:10 pm
by Kalsam
"Our emulator does not have anything in common with a MaNGOS server now and we believe that we are the only vanilla server able to support more than 8.5k online players without lag, up to 10k."

Pulled from the "About Us" section on the Nostralrius website.

Not really linking this to start anything, but just pointing out that they did say it'd be able to handle this sort of population... which means that the lag is possibly from something else.
Regardless of WHERE the lag is from, if they have any ideas, it would be nice to get some sort of communication on the issue.

Currently, as this has only been happening more frequently in the past week (from what I've seen). This is possibly connected to the ore/herb node respawns. Their twitter shows they've been working on it.