The links posted do not show any abilities and the health points are completely wrong.
All faction leaders had between 400-600K health PRE Buff (patch 1.7?)
Their abilities were:
Thrall: Shock, Chain Lightning
Vol'Jin: Hex, Shadowword:Pain, Shoot, Veil of Shadows
Cairne Bloodhoof: Cleave, Mortal Strike, War Stomp, Upper Cut, Knock Back
Sylvanas Windrunner: Black Arrow, Summon Skeletons, Fade, Cleave, Multishot, Shoot
Varimathras: Shadow Bolt Volley, Drain Life, Fear
Rexxar: Trash, Rend, Knock Back, Sundering Cleave
High Overlord Saurfang: Cleave, Shield Charge, Mortal Strike, Intimidating Roar, Saurfang's Rage
Highlord Bolvar Fordragon: Cleave, Highlord's Justice
Archbishop Benedictus: Holy Nova, Powerword: Shield, Heal, Holy Smite
King Magni Bronzebeard: Knock away, Stormbolt, Thunderclap, Avatar
Tyrande Wisperwind: Starfall, Moonfire, Cleave, Shoot, Multishot
Fandral Staghelm: Wrath, Rejuvenation, Summon Treant Allies
High Tinker Mekkatorque: Gnomish Shrink Ray, Throw Dynamite, Goblin Dragon Blaster (yes he seems to be Goblin engineer)
Lady Jaina Proudmoore: Frostbolt, Fireball, Flamestrike, Blizzard, Summon Water Elementals
Hope this list was helpfull