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Too late to join or not?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 2:24 am
by Xermy
Hello there everyone, it's been a while I haven't come back on the server. I have a question, which eventually leads to more questions. Here it is:

Is it too late to play on the server? I'm only level 25 priest on PvP for the moment, had to stop for a month because I had a huge ass load of school projects too do and finish. Now that BlackWing Lair is released, I don't know if it's too late for me to continue.

I mean, I'd really love to experience every classic raids and dungeons. But since that now pretty much everyone (well, ALMOST, but most) is level 60 and going on BWL, I want to know if it is still possible to go through Molten Core? Do I have to go through MC first and get my T1 to then go through BWL? Or right after I get my BIS gear, I can instantly go to the most recent raid?

Also, PvE server was released too, I managed to level up a warrior to 25 too within 2 weeks, which is pretty fast. But I am still confused If I should continue going through my priest or now stay on PvE and continue with my Warrior.

I'd like some thoughs and advices about what you guys think. Thanks in advanced.

Re: Too late to join or not?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 2:29 am
by Elftor
There are more guilds starting progression into MC than most servers in 2006 had raiding, period. It's not too late at all.

Re: Too late to join or not?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 2:37 am
by Robotron
If you don't suck and can log in for raids/have consumables, you'll be able to get a raid spot in a progressed guild.

Re: Too late to join or not?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 2:40 am
by zzxx
ZG isnt even out yet what do u think?

Re: Too late to join or not?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 3:03 am
by Setup
There will always be starting-up, MC-level guilds.

We're only about ~45% into the development of vanilla at the moment. It's better than playing when it was MC alone!

Re: Too late to join or not?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 6:50 am
by winfernal

Re: Too late to join or not?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 7:30 am
by shakey
if u are afraid of joining too late (years left on the PvP so...) then go PVE server, so you can play as lvl 60 when BWL releases etc.

the difference is 5k players :P there are thousands of players currently leveling, and people with lvl 60 starts their alts.. so dont worry about getting in too late! thats crazy.

with pre raid BiS you can pretty much join BWL with some exceptions depending on class.

IF you want to do the whole "progression" and struggle thru MC then join a new guild.
there a many PUGS you can join so u dont need guild in the beginning (since you got school)


Re: Too late to join or not?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 7:42 am
by SnowFlakes
It's always too late.

Re: Too late to join or not?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 1:50 am
by Fay Ray
I think this poster's main concerns are leftovers from the way WoW used to be played. Before, there was always this massive weight of the time crunch you had over your head to complete content before the next expac came out. If so, rest assured, that should no longer be a problem as this realm is dedicated to only always being a vanilla realm.

To the OP. As stated above, no, it will never be too late. Not everyone is a world first downing gamer. There are literally thousands of gamers, myself included, that take their time while playing and get there when they get there. There are thousands of people still leveling up, and even those that do have 60s doing end game raid dungeons always have alts. The only real advantage these guys are going to have is that as being the first to raid these dungeons, they'll be doing it on equal par with everyone else because no one will out gear the dungeon. The only difference between what they're doing now and what you'll be doing 6 months to a year from now is that you may be joining a guild where most of the players outgear the dungeon so you'll be being 'carried' through more easily instead of doing it with similarly geared people, but you shouldn't have any problems finding a decence group of people to do end game content with whenever it is you get there.

Re: Too late to join or not?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 2:21 am
by Doofoos
SnowFlakes wrote:It's always too late.

Never too late