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100v100. My Alliance Story

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:30 am
by ianiscool
For those who weren't there, basically about an hour ago as i was farming ogres in Duskwood about to hit level 30 my friend told me to run to Westfall where i saw hundreds the least of Alliance players. I asked what was happening and someone whispered me a twitch link. It was there I saw groups of horde marching from STV to Westfall. The battle will likely be posted on youtube or nostalrius' facebook page, but what I wanted to share was this amazing moment I felt that I never even felt back in 2004

Here's the cool part

immediately after we crushed the horde at Westfall (we had guards and a griffon rider on our side so horde your efforts were valiant but doomed from the start) somebody said we should "go counterattack". I immediately /yell EVERYONE TO GROMGOL BASE and i started running while spamming it. At first 3 people followed me, then 10, then 20, and suddenly without hesitation there were 100 Alliance players behind me.

I was amazed that just by chanting GROM GOL over and over again I would somehow get so many people to follow through with it. I saw it in world chat and was surprised that my little chant had an effect on world chat, trade chat, local defense, general chat, etc... It was even cool that the horde streamer said "Someone said they're going to Grom Gol"

I just wanted to share that little story. Within a week I had one of the greatest WoW experiences ever.

Sadly on our way to GG we decided to go to ashenvale instead. But regardless the night was amazing

My name is Backhander, I am a human warrior
I look forward to seeing everyone leveling and running dungeons together in the future
I look forward to seeing the raiders of Westfall meet on Alterac Valley
I look forward to the horde raids on Stormwind and Alliance raids on Orgrimmar
I look forward to the greatest Vanilla server yet made

Re: 100v100. My Alliance Story

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:57 am
by azamous
I had just finished a quest in Stormwind Keep after waiting 15 minutes, I heard the commotion in trade that Duskwood was under attack, and that they were heading to westfall. I immediately sprinted to the gryphon rider and as I landed I saw 300 horde sprawling and yelling in orcish, I couldn't see anyone except myself and my PVP was already flagged, so I said f*** it I'm going in.... seconds later I see about 300 ally come out of nowhere joining me in the counter attack, and we fight back and slay them all! I must admit, this is one of the greatest experiences I've had in WoW all together. Thank you Nostalrius for creating this server, and thank you all for playing it and making this event happen. I also hope to see more community driven things, I know I myself will be making a few videos ;)