Sillyfish wrote:Hello.
I understand that it might be easier to roll on the new PvE server if my goal is PvE progression, however I have a different question.
Is it worth rolling on the established PvP server if my goal is to engage in PvP, improve my personal ability as a PvPer, advance my character and obtain as high a rank as my ability and time will allow?
World pvp is very casual compared to battleground pvp. It's largely people in average gear and levelling talents who are bored for a while, aiming to rust a few feathers.
Battleground pvp is done with people wearing rare or epic pvp sets, a good deal having run engineering for trinkets and bombs, and sporting pvp specs designed precisely for 1v1.
You won't really be gaining much in terms of skill from a couple of people ganking you while you gather some herbs.
You do learn patience though, as you become accepting of the ganks and corpse runs entailed.
When it comes to rank, it actually helps to join a server where less people are grinding honor. Since rank is awarded by standing, you'd need to do less to rank up. So that's another reason why PvE is better.
But honestly, if I had joined Nostalrius later than what I did, I would have gone to PvE. Just because progression is merely starting and above all, you don't feel like you entered the Tokyo subway at a peak hour.