I'm starting this thread so we can report players who behaved badly. This is meant both to promote a better community, as building a good reputation is important, and to warn people against certain players.
#report 1: Yelana
offense: ninja
This player took a chest from other after he cleared the whole camp of mobs around it and was killing the last one. He procceded to do a /lol and put said player on ignore, to avoid any question or reprimand.
#report 2: Gnarlyknight, Gnarlybeard, Gnarlygnome, Goreman
offense: bad group behavior
This was a premade group in which the last player was taken from /2. It happens that during the run the tank, Gnarlybeard, did a mistake and caused a wipe. The pug member asked if he could be rezzed (by the healer, Gnarlyknight) instead of running back, so he could get food. Instead of answering Gnarlyknight started asking on general for a DPS, and removed said player from group (who was performing well) without explanation or excuse. (It may be related to loot disputes: the other two premade members were casters and could dispute loot with the pug. Some people, when grouped, think they're entitled to take all advantadge on that and treat people like shit)