I haven't played since the summer and I've noticed since returning the /who list is sporting numbers as high as 9k players which is higher than the 5k players I used to see. I understand they implement the reduced view distance in regards to mobs, npcs, friendlys, etc..in order to put a handle on the servers lag.
However, I've never seen it so hardcore. I can't see a mob until he's very very close, nodes for gathering don't pop up in mini map until I'm close to them, and worst of all it completely kills immersion seeing other players fade in and fade out all within 15seconds. To be honest, the feeling I get is I'm in my own mini instance bubble everywhere I go.
My complaints come from playing in Durotaur and the Barrens on a new Orc I made. Is this simply the case in a crowded starting zone/lvl 10 zone? Or is this basically everywhere now with the 9k players?
I love this server and what it brings to all of us, I'm not going anywhere but I wanted to express that this one particular aspect really hurts my immersion in the game and I'd like to hear if there's any type of solution being worked on or if it's the new norm? Thanks guys.