Nostalrius Alliance demographics

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Nostalrius Alliance demographics

by kutsal » Sun Mar 08, 2015 10:51 pm

Hello everyone,

As most of you, I would like to know the demographics of the server I am playing on. And since most servers do not put this in public, there are addons that try to do it for you.

So for the past 2 days I let this addon collect information about he online players. This is however for the alliance side only since I am playing as Alliance, but I encourage the horde to make a similar thing if they want to. The addon I used is called ''Census plus'' and you can get it here:

I stopped recording at 08-03-2015 21:00 server time. Around the time the server hit 6k players!
Keep in mind that this records via /who and only characters, so the amount is not the amount of players as people can make 1 or more characters. But I would say that atleast 90% that are playing are probably playing only 1 character for the moment.

Another thing is that even though Nostalrius hit 6k, there are probably way more people playing. For instance, if there are 5k online right now, 12 hours from now 2k EU people might have gone to bed, then another 2k from the USA came online so the /who shows 5k but in total there are 7k players.

And yes ofcourse /who gets a list of 50 players per search and the others are left out, that is why you need to let it search for info in a span of days to be more accurate. I did lots of /who 1, /who 2 /who 3 and /who feralas /who tanaris /who stormwind etc to get more people in the database.

I am very bad at HTML and editing so it might be jitterish and I couldn't find any better hosting site so for now I used this.

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Re: Nostalrius Alliance demographics

by Syff » Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:48 am

Awesome, would love to see one from horde side.
Might also be nice to have a weekly/monthly report of this
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Re: Nostalrius Alliance demographics

by kutsal » Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:04 pm

Yeah me aswell but I will have to let it run for days to get accurate info about the horde side which I am not able to do atm. As for the weekly/monthly updates, I might do that but this shit took me long while to make so yea.
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