Greetings community. Glad to see such a strong launch for a private server! Honestly, i never heard of this project until right before your launch. I am an avid private server player and have been apart of many different communities, not that well known or anything, but just an avid player. I have been apart of many launches and many failures. Hundreds of hours invested into many different projects across all patches from 1.12-4.3.4.
I recently stumbled upon this server and have been watching it closely since the launch. I am very happy to see such a large population. My worries have faded about the stability of the project and would like to invest my time into playing here. Currently i play alliance on almost all the servers i am apart of and this time i chose to, or am choosing, to roll horde. Just for a change of scenery and what not. I am looking for some friends and people to talk to and level with and what not. The guilds i am apart of on other pservers have never heard of this project and have no intentions on leaving. So here i am to say hello to a brand new community.
I am happy to see some of the big pserver guilds back, like Grizzly, BID DICK BANDITS, just to name a few, and many other guilds and well know pserver players. I hope to make this a memorable time here on nostalrius and hope to make some new friends in the process. Glad to be apart of such a massive pserver! I really do hope this takes off, the population stays steady and guilds compete for actual server firsts and stay active as a community.
Look for me in game! Zotose/Xotose/Zothose. I will be rolling horde as my first toon here in about 30 minutes or so! Looking forward to hearing from you guys. Hope you have a great stay here on Nostalrius!