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Buff timers

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 6:52 pm
by Doctor Feelgood
Hey everyone,

so a group of RL friends of mine have made a group we're grouping on the way to 60. Im playing our healer as a resto druid. The biggest problems I'm having now are 1. not seeing my regrowth/rejuv on my target because of all other buffs, and 2. not seeing the timer on both hots. Seeing as druids rely heavily on both is there a mod that i can use (i can't remember what i used back in the day) that will remedy my problems?
thanks a bunch


Re: Buff timers

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:53 pm
by Ramzey
I used Xperl back in the day, which was much more detail unitframes for Raid and Party which showed Debuffs and Buffs on the target, I'm not sure about Timers for them however.