It is time we put our differences aside. I am asking for a temporary truce between the Horde and Alliance so we may crush the invading Xiao Army menace! It is clear the devs will not do anything about this, so we must take this matter into our own hands! For the sake of our realms' stability we must make them unwelcome.
Horde and Alliance alike must band together to fight the Xiao Scourge that is invading our server. It is the only way, we must destroy them as one. They are a plague to our server, camping our materials, ruining draw distance, overpopulating our leveling zones, camping our battlegrounds, and introducing crippling latency.
Another server for these players will not work. Don't be naive, they are only here to leech on your gold for IRL profit. The only way to remove this menace is to make their experience on this realm devastatingly unplayable. So put aside your differences for the time being, target these Xiao players ONLY, and make their time here a living hell. This is our world and we will have to work together to keep it.
-Kill all Xiao menace on sight.
-Do not buy Xiao AH items.
-Do not buy gold (you shouldn't be anyway).
-Make them feel unwelcome, /spit.
Do your part, save our realm.