Hi guys.
Picture album:
There will be more pics later.
Many of you have asked for a forum post explaining why I did not get server first.
I'd like to start off and thank people from both sides of the race, Kiska, Osirus and Komon from horde side and Sylonic and Malthrus for keeping up the pace and pushing the others to keep on going even harder, the race would not have been as fun as it was without you guys!
I would like to give a special thanks to Sol for being amazingly competative and a really good friend when it came down to the last few levels. Without him I would never have pushed as hard as I did. Thank you all!
A unfortunately series of events on the end ( after level 55 ) lead me to lose the race. There was some quite bad bugs as I explain below and we know that certain exploits were used by certain people to get to level 60 first. Those things aside, this was a whole lot of fun and I want to thank everyone that participated.
There will be 2 more threads coming up later, one of them with more pictures and the other one detailing why I dislike and like Nostalrius.
Levels 1-40
Levels 1-40 seemed to be mostly cat and mouse. It seemed that Horde side was a few levels ahead of the alliance most of the time and it seemed to be me and Sol that was gaining on eachother when we slept.
Levels 40-50
I think this is where I really started to go ahead of the other players, I had planned this route in detail as to which quests to skip and where to grind instead. By the end of level 49-50 I was almost 3 levels ahead of the other guys.
Levels 50-59
These levels were the most exciting ones, seeing people on both sides level as hard as they can as fast as possible without sleeping. I was ahead of everyone until around level 54-56 when I stumbled upon two different quests that removed ( deleted, removed, not sent to stable, but completely removed ) my pet.
Fortunately for me the GM's teleported me to a new beast after about 20-30 minutes of waiting, but farming loyalty takes time. Unfortunately my pet was unusable for me for several hours and I estimate that I lost 3-4 hours because of this bug since it happened not just once but twice. I believe this cost me the race. Bugged quests.
I have also prepared a small album for you guys to enjoy, you can find it here: