Hello everyone,
Coalition is starting it's MC Pug run. The run will be held each Monday, with invites starting at 18:30, and filling till 19:00-19:30. The raid time lasts up to 23:00. The raid will be led and main tanked by Cykeli with other assigments and leading done by Parizer.
- TS3 and stable connection, without being on TS you can't attend the raid
- Be able to understand and communicate in English (you don't have to talk, but be able to listen and write alteast)
- Close to preraid bis gear (accepting casters with bad gear under the condition they flask and use Arcane elixirs and Brilliant wizard oils) Fury warriors must have atleast basic tanking gear.
- Having a viable spec, meaning no feral, boomkin, ret etc.
- Have proper addons - (KTM and BigWigs, Mages and Druids must have a decursive, and paladins must have PallyPower)
Loot rules:
We are reserving all BoE-s (excluding Tier pieces - however only useful PvE BoE-s are rolled for - Rogue and Hunter T1), mats, recipes, legendaries, leathers and ore.
- The main loot rule is MS > OS +1, meaning if for instance a Ring of Spell Power drops, only casters can roll on it, the caster who wins gets a +1 and can't roll on another item of his classtype until all the players in it get a +1. This resets each raid.
- If a item drops and no one rolls on it, the item is on a free roll. However the player who wins the item can no longer win any new free rolls for that raid, he can ofcourse roll for MS if he hasn't got a +1 there allready.
- The +1 rule resets on Majordomo meaning everyone can roll and win again.
- All the tanks are from Coalition, meaning the tank loot will be loot counceled, however if tanks have to be changed (can't attend some raids), this system can adapt.
- Accuria and onslaught girdle can be rolled by tanks for TPS sets
- PvP items (SR, BRE are prio for active and past rankers R10+)
- BOE-s (tier pieces) are rolled for after the raid, you can't win any if you have any +1 allready (before or after majordomo) As mentioned only Hunter and Rogue pieces can be rolled for
Raid rules:
- Listen and follow instructions given on TS and raid warnings
- Follow and listen to the tank, don't stick around the boss corpses, don't afk mid raid unless some RL crisis
- Don't clutter the TS while the raid leaders are assigning
- You can and will be kicked from the raid, blacklisted or loot banned (depending on what you did) if you break the rules, for instance continue using forbiden debuffs after being told not to use it, ninja pull etc.
For applying or other questions PM Cykel/Cykeli ingame, or Mortadela/Parizer/Tankadela or PM us on the forum or just write here (class/spec/RL link if exists/gear/addons you have/do you have a douse). Spreadsheet for incoming raid.
Status of raids:
MC: 10/10
Ony: 1/1
BWL: 0/8