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1.12.1 Builds

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 5:59 pm
by Hydra9268
Please see people's build suggestions in this thread...

Re: 1.12.1 Builds

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:02 pm
by azreal313
Sorry, but those Priest builds are pathetically bad.

Re: 1.12.1 Builds

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:04 pm
by azreal313
Replace the shadow build with this: ... c103501251
And replace the healing build with this: ... 500323d55r

Re: 1.12.1 Builds

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:14 pm
by Civean
wtf are those priest builds

Re: 1.12.1 Builds

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:14 pm
by eFFeRR
Sucks that a Reck Pally has to waste 5 skill points in the first bracket of the Prot tree.

Re: 1.12.1 Builds

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:15 pm
by Hydra9268
Civean wrote:wtf are those priest builds

I don't know. Go talk to azreal313. Those are his/her suggestions.

Re: 1.12.1 Builds

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:17 pm
by Civean
Hydra9268 wrote:
Civean wrote:wtf are those priest builds

I don't know. Go talk to azreal313. Those are his/her suggestions.

i wasn't talking about what you editted in

Re: 1.12.1 Builds

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:28 pm
by Hydra9268
@Civean - apparently you didn't see my disclaimer at the top my OP. I made the text BIGGER so that people don't miss the point.

Re: 1.12.1 Builds

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:33 pm
by Kainnee
I'll quote myself from a small Warlock-guide I wrote some time ago:

2. Specs

There are many ways to spec a Warlock. All the below builds are tested by me. Every build has it's pro and cons and you should feel free to spend points differently than I did. Currently I'm sticking to DS/ruin for personal reasons, NOT because it's the best build available.

SM/ruin or 30/0/21
This is the go-to cookie cutter build for a Warlock. It features a high damage output both in PvE and PvP and solid solo farming capabilities. It provides an Imp for the tanks, high DoT damage for multiple targets and good direct damage on bosses.

MD/ruin or 0/30/21
A spec usually used by horde Warlocks because of the improved aggro handling via MD and Imp. A MD/ruin Warlock can decide to either use his Imp for the imp. BP and 30% aggro reduction or to sacrifice his Succubus for an additional 15% Shadow damage.

DS/ruin or 7/21/23
Similar to MD/ruin, only that this spec sacrifices the ability to use Imp+MD for PvE and Succubus+MD for PvP for better dps in PvE (imp. Corruption, imp. LT).

Full Destruction or 7/9/35
Often considered a PvP build it doesn't do too bad in PvE either, especially in AQ40/Naxx, where mobs don't have fire immunity and Mages use imp. Scorch. It features high burst damage and improves direct damage casts with a short cast time (SP and Immolate). As a plus it brings an improved Imp without downsides.

NF/Conflagrate or 18/1/32
Similar to Full Desctrution, it only sacrifices a bit of SP crit and Demonology survivability for even more damage. Along with SM/ruin THE glass cannon build for a Warlock.

SM/DS or 30/21/0
The best farming build. It combines SM and DS for a massive +25% Shadowdmg. It has all the Affliction and Demonology utility but lacks direct damage talents. It's great for farming and for PvE encounters where you can deal most of your damage via DoTs.

SL/Sburn or 7/33/11
While SM/ruin is a PvE build that can also be used for PvP, SL/Sburn is a PvP build that can also be used for PvE. It features SL, MD and improved Demons for maximum survivability and Shadow Burn for additional burst damage. Upon reaching the twin emperors in AQ40, one Warlock should spec this build to make the fight easier until the encounter is on farm status.

NF/SL or 20/31/0
The beast spec for PvP. SL, DS and DL make killing this Warlock extremely difficult and NF provides the lock with the much needed burst damage, although it's a bit RNG. Counting gear, talents and life drained this Warlock can take far more than 10k damage punishment and still live. It is the worst imaginable spec for PvE though.

Re: 1.12.1 Builds

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 6:37 pm
by Hatson
That Enhancement build... What the hell.
Starting point or not, it's not good for any scenario or situation whatsoever.