I was wondering what class to roll as an alt and i wanted to make a healing class.
Priests are the best in PvE but seem very fragile and die to rogues like flies.
Paladins are strong and durable,but having like 3 healing spells-makes them very dull.
I play alliance so shamans are out of the question.
Finally druids have been one my favorite classes in BC and Wotlk,but seems they are underpowered and broken as any spec,but resto.(PvE)
I would still roll a druid even knowing they suck if at least they are better as a PvP healer than the rest-shifting,poison removing,versatility and so on...But i don't wanna roll even a class i like,knowing it is at best average in the one thing i roll it for.
So which healer would you like to have at your side in PvP and why?