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PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 12:35 am
by Valve
Good evening Nostalrius followers !
In this post,i would like to share my expectations and thoughts about how it's going to be on Nostalrius.Firstly,i would like to admit that i am happy about that pvp test today and i will definetly test it.I had been playing on few private servers during my WoW "career",and of course,i found some fun in them,but not as i did on retail most of the time.Finally,after all those years,Nostalrius appeared.A private server,who will let us play through all 3 expansions(Vanilla,TBC,LK) is definetly the thing that came on top.However,i wanted to make this post because i wanted to share my thoughts about what do i expect and of course,yours aswell.I don't hope,I don't think,I am SURE that this is that server where i will have my best memories,this is the server that i trust most,that i will spend all my time here without any doubt.I know Nostalrius will win at the end,i know WE are going to win at the end.So boys and girls,please share your thoughts and feel free to add a reply if you agree or disagree with my thoughts.
Live to win till' you die!

Re: Expectations

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 2:40 am
by sshroud
Hi. I think something went wrong with the formatting of your original post, it would be easier to read it if you broke it into paragraphs and followed with a space after commas and punctuation.

About disagreeing or agreeing with your thoughts, there's nothing to agree/disagree on, you mention your own experience and what made you excited for Nostalrius. I can't say anything else than good for you and I hope you have a good time.

Re: Expectations

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 2:09 pm
by nimeralos
Look at Corecraft - it takes years and years to make good TBC server. So, "plans" to make TBC and LK are nothing more than an advertising promises. If Nostarlius Vanilla will have a huge success, if Kronos won't get too many players over Nost, if there still will be "old-school" players after several years - than there will be TBC here. Too many "if" to talk about TBC on Nostalrius right now.