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Which Addons are necessary?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:20 am
by BK2710
All I can find are lists of collected working addons with so much shit I will never need (interace reworks like that lock one, who uses such crap?)

What I want to ask is which addons do I REALLY need for vanilla? (vanity like better map, mob hp, enemy casting bar)
PvP is my main interest but there is also that must have PvE ones so I suppose...
appreciated if someone wants to name some.

Re: Which Addons are necessary?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 5:21 pm
by Multispec
Would recommend

Bongos hotbars for nice easy to modify hotbars

CCWatch timer for watching dot timers and CC, important in pvp.

Maybe some unitframes like X-perl unitframes

The only 3 I use, been thinking about a gather mod of some sort but ehh I'm lazy

Re: Which Addons are necessary?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:48 pm
by Esibelle
I like Atlas, CEnemyCastBar, EquipCompare, MobHealth, SellValue. I also use DamageMeters but its not great, not sure if there is a better damage meter though.

Trying to find an addon for party member health and mana values.