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A Promotional Video About The Server

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:37 pm
by Netherblood
Hey there, thought I'd showcase a little video I made about the server, going through some of the unique features it has.

Re: A Promotional Video About The Server

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:14 am
by Witcher
Hey Nether,

We're thrilled to hear you would like to make your own promo video for the server. However, we have to ask that you don't showcase it as by the server, just for the server.


Re: A Promotional Video About The Server

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:41 am
by Netherblood
Witcher wrote:Hey Nether,

However, we have to ask that you don't showcase it as by the server, just for the server.


I'm not sure I completely understood what you were trying to say.
But in order for it to become more popular and therefore more seen, it needs views.
Though, I'm not necessarily showing it because I'm desperate for views, I simply think that people here might enjoy it. Who doesn't like being reminded that they're playing on a quality server. :p

Re: A Promotional Video About The Server

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:48 am
by Szabinger
You have to state, that it's a fan made video, not a video released by the staff of the server. Also, it's quiet unethical to almost create a montage of the released videos of the server.

Re: A Promotional Video About The Server

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:56 am
by Uro
Netherblood wrote:
Witcher wrote:Hey Nether,

However, we have to ask that you don't showcase it as by the server, just for the server.


I'm not sure I completely understood what you were trying to say.
But in order for it to become more popular and therefore more seen, it needs views.
Though, I'm not necessarily showing it because I'm desperate for views, I simply think that people here might enjoy it. Who doesn't like being reminded that they're playing on a quality server. :p

Don't make people belive that it's the Nostalrius Team who made the Video, make it notable that it's obv a Fan made Video ish.
Write something in the Description or In the Video like "Hi, i'm an Nost Player, and this is my Movie/Thoughts/RP Video/PvP Video/Interview/Showcase/Review about the Server". Or something like that.

Re: A Promotional Video About The Server

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 11:04 am
by Netherblood
You're right, I'm surprised that I didn't state that I made it. Fixed it.
Also I'd like to add that criticism/opinion is more than welcome.