"takes a real man"
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:15 am
To level up in stranglethorn Vale as a warrior these days.
joeshmoe wrote:Group of horde camping first raptor spot for an hour killing solo's was a joke. Then when one of them got caught away from group running away to their group instead of doing a 1v1 was the real laugh. Or waiting till you're on a mob to jump you. I've been playin pvp-centric games for 15+ yrs and only in WoW do you see such a garbage pvp playerbase. I'm sure its the same on both sides, but as Ally I only see it the one way. Was hoping it would be a little more 'grown up' after all these years, but you dont see it from the US players thats for sure.
joeshmoe wrote:Then when one of them got caught away from group running away to their group instead of doing a 1v1 was the real laugh.
Goffz wrote:Suddenly as i head to nesingwary a undead rogue appear up my ass combine mage with vurtne facial ah yes FUCK IT.