(Bug?) Inconsistency in music played in Ironforge

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(Bug?) Inconsistency in music played in Ironforge

by res » Fri Mar 13, 2015 12:19 am

Hello, I've noticed that you've changed the ambience/music tracks that are usually played in Ironforge near the bank.

This is the background music that should normally be played: Link

But this is the sound I hear in game: Link

Sometimes my Stormwind music also gets corrupted but I can't confirm it as of yet, maybe some of you have encountered something similar?

I've heard that some of my friends also hear the wrong track being played so I'm just wondering is this a client side bug or server side?
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Re: (Bug?) Inconsistency in music played in Ironforge

by Hatson » Fri Mar 13, 2015 12:28 am

Thank god I'm not Alliance. Those flutes kill my ears.
The White Blacksmith.
Sometimes I stream stuff: http://www.twitch.tv/travallama/
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