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First Ever BoE Epic Drop!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 5:33 am
by Antility
played WoW on and off for 10 years and this is the first time I recieved a BoE epic Drop!

I so happy :D

Re: First Ever BoE Epic Drop!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 5:38 am
by Zhen
I feel bad for the rogue as it's pre raid for him :/
Gz nonetheless

Re: First Ever BoE Epic Drop!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 5:41 am
by Antility
Zhen wrote:I feel bad for the rogue as it's pre raid for him :/
Gz nonetheless

it is?

Re: First Ever BoE Epic Drop!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 5:51 am
by Bio-Booster
You equipped it?

Are you serious?

Why would you do that, how can you have played this game to 10 years, and not know how absolutely terrible that weapon is for a hunter.

That thing could have 50 agility on it, and it would still be a terrible terrible horrible hunter weapon.

Yes it was BIS for that rogue, no I don't think anyone should have necessarily passed it to anyone else, random pug, random people, can't exactly expect them to sit there and debate the merits of BIS gear all around.

But equipping it instead of selling?

Yea, you just lost out on 100g...minimum, and you'll replace that thing with the the blue out of Maraudon at level 50, if not a level 50 green.

Re: First Ever BoE Epic Drop!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 5:59 am
by Ivo
Gz, and not to be all that negative but the droprate is ridiculos atm. Everyone have so many greens and the chat is filled with BoE Blues.
I have played vanilla a lot and there are so many blues that i see for the very first time, since they were rare before, but not anymore.

Oh and i think Hunters should have priority on this roll since it is their primary weapon, same if a +agi dagger would drop, rogue should have priority since it is theirs.

Re: First Ever BoE Epic Drop!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 6:01 am
by Momoh
Drop rates are not blizzlike unfortunately, hate me or whatever but its the truth, its crazy atm.

Re: First Ever BoE Epic Drop!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 6:03 am
by Antility
Ivo wrote:Gz, and not to be all that negative but the droprate is ridiculos atm. Everyone have so many greens and the chat is filled with BoE Blues.

Oh and i think Hunters should have priority on this roll since it is their primary weapon, same if a +agi dagger would drop, rogue should have priority since it is theirs.

well i was under the impression that we would all greed the item but then the other hunter needed and the rogue needed so i figured what the hell ill need to

Re: First Ever BoE Epic Drop!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 6:20 am
by Cholula
Ivo wrote:Gz, and not to be all that negative but the droprate is ridiculos atm. Everyone have so many greens and the chat is filled with BoE Blues.
I have played vanilla a lot and there are so many blues that i see for the very first time, since they were rare before, but not anymore.

Oh and i think Hunters should have priority on this roll since it is their primary weapon, same if a +agi dagger would drop, rogue should have priority since it is theirs.

I leveled an alt to 10 today and have not seen one single green drop yet. Maybe its different at higher levels but I have not seen many on my priest at 20, either. I don't think a blanket statement about drop rates is accurate, as not everyone has the same experience.

It was noted somewhere else here on the forum that certain mobs have improper loot tables and some people have been farming them. That may be where the issue is coming from, and it is concerning when talking about blues and epics. Greens, however, are nothing to get worked up about.

Re: First Ever BoE Epic Drop!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 6:59 am
by Antility
Okay to Clarify

I had all intent purposes to sell this gun, I thought everybody in group would "greed"

after seeing the hunter and the rogue select "need" I decided what the hell I might as well need as well. because how do I know that these players aren't just going to sell it if they win?

I ended up winning and group was telling me to equip since I won, so I did.

I had NO IDEA that this gun was best for rogues, its a lvl 43 weapon, I was just very excited that I won my first BoE epic drop ever.

it was a very hard spot to be in. on one hand, how am i suppose to know these other players won't just sell the item if they had gotten it. and on the other hand since I won in my mind I HAD to equip it so as not to be labeled a Ninja myself

I actually feel very bad right now because I have been informed by people that this gun is best for lvl 60 rogue, and I have denied somebody of that :(

Re: First Ever BoE Epic Drop!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:32 am
by Uro
Antility wrote:Okay to Clarify

I had all intent purposes to sell this gun, I thought everybody in group would "greed"

after seeing the hunter and the rogue select "need" I decided what the hell I might as well need as well. because how do I know that these players aren't just going to sell it if they win?

I ended up winning and group was telling me to equip since I won, so I did.

I had NO IDEA that this gun was best for rogues, its a lvl 43 weapon, I was just very excited that I won my first BoE epic drop ever.

it was a very hard spot to be in. on one hand, how am i suppose to know these other players won't just sell the item if they had gotten it. and on the other hand since I won in my mind I HAD to equip it so as not to be labeled a Ninja myself

I actually feel very bad right now because I have been informed by people that this gun is best for lvl 60 rogue, and I have denied somebody of that :(

so? id need and use that as warrior