popezaphod wrote:So what are you favorite and least favorite Vanilla WoW quests?
Ah, sucha hard question!
For best quest(s), I really like the ones that makes you travel the world, it makes the world feel alive and vanilla had some really epic "world quests" so to speak, the one from Un'goro/Winterspring (cant remember where it starts) is really cool. And I love the classquests, basically all of them, because they are unique to your class and makes you immerse into your character alot more.
Both of these things are now mostly gone from the game, one of the those big mistakes by blizz imo.
Worst quest gotta be all the pointless filler quests with zero lore in them. Get me this because im lazy to walk 10 feet for no reason. Sometimes those fetch-me-this quests make sense though and builds up an understanding of the zone overall. Im just a sucker for lore and badly designed quests that breaks immersion are the worst ones for me.
Sorry for not giving a short best-worst quest simple answer, its a hard question but interesting topic !

EDIT: The quest I was referring to above is indeed the epic Linken questline!