by Hatson » Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:19 am
It's a difference in WDB between clients. Nostalrius is using pre 1.4 item database so if you're coming from other servers or using a client with a WDB used to 1.12.1 clients, then it can cause issues with the WDB of Nostalrius, which is different, especially on the item side of things.
Delete your WDB contents and relog. That should fix visual issues with wrong stat items / versions. What you're seeing is the old vanilla retail version of the ring, which was back then only a green item, and indeed pretty crap. You're seeing the right ring with the right stats, your party members however are not. They probably did not delete their WDB before playing on Nostalrius this they're having visual differences on some thigns such as item stats.
If they actually put on their ring, they'd see how only their spirit and stamina increased, corresponding with what stats you see on it.