Fittaim Booty bay spot abuse
Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:43 am
by Nitebite
Fittaim has been safe spot abusing in Booty bay. This is an exploit and should not go unnoticed. Screenshot >
Re: Fittaim Booty bay spot abuse
Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:38 am
by Noxx
Is that really abuse? wasint u able to do that on retail aswell? like the Tanaris roof?
Re: Fittaim Booty bay spot abuse
Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:50 am
by Khandz
You were able to evade the mobs, just like the Alliances could evade the guards of orgrimmar above the auction house. It's not a bug, we wanted blizzlike and we get it.
Re: Fittaim Booty bay spot abuse
Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:09 am
by thefatswede
Except when you camped the roof in tanaris and other places avoiding guards you would get warnings from GM on retail and eventually get banned.