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What is not Blizzlike about Nostalrius?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 7:34 am
by Osiris
Could one of the staff members be so kind to clarify if there are non-Blizzlike things on this server? I am aware that scripting and rates are being adjusted to retail servers.

But I wonder if there are other things that mess with Blizzlike indirectly. I've read on that other server forum that they will have faction change (for donations) at level 60, which might bring in some imbalance.

Re: What is not Blizzlike about Nostalrius?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:47 am
by Hatson
There is also the other thread here 'Question about the timeline and PvP' that asks about if Nostalrius will do it the same way every other private has before. - I hope they don't. But there hasn't been any dev response about it in the thread yet. If that goes through like it does on most privates, then that is not a blizzlike feature.

Re: What is not Blizzlike about Nostalrius?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:36 am
by Sélenne
Where did you read that there will be faction change ? From its start back 2010, Nostalrius have always been free, no donation, no pay 2 win, no shop.

Re: What is not Blizzlike about Nostalrius?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:36 pm
by Osiris
Sélenne wrote:Where did you read that there will be faction change ? From its start back 2010, Nostalrius have always been free, no donation, no pay 2 win, no shop.

I've read it on the forums of the certain other server, which name I don't want to use here anymore. Read my post again, please.

Re: What is not Blizzlike about Nostalrius?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:44 pm
by Sélenne
Oh ok, you mean that this other server will have a donation option, sorry

Re: What is not Blizzlike about Nostalrius?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:10 pm
by Mode
First of all I'd like to see Hello to everyone. This is my first post on Nostarius after weeks of peeking in and looking at the youtube videos and research online, I hope to be playing with you all soon.

So basically, this server looks very promising, to the point where I'm hoping it will be pretty much identical to Vanilla wow when it first started (maybe with a few more fixes).

To all those players out there who experienced vanilla in the beta and after, wouldn't it be great to get that nostalgia and that feeling back? It's pretty much what some of us have been searching for the past 8 years or so, and which we obviously haven't found, otherwise we wouldn't be here.

I think "donate" for items would ruin the nostalgia and the objective of the server as a whole. I'm not sure if this is going to be implemented, but from what I see it isn't.

On the other hand servers always need a steady income in order to maintain and upgrade etc, which is completely understandable, and let's be honest, not many people are generous enough to donate for nothing in return.

I've ALWAYS said, that If ever comes a time, where someone decides to bring out a Vanilla server, that is literally aiming to be as close and Blizzlike as possible and proves it, I would without a doubt, be happy to PAY a monthly subscription as long as it wasn't a ridiculous price.

This "monthly subscription" for me would be a peace of mind, that the server is going to be maintained, it's going to be safe and consistent, and people are all getting the same kind of treatment e.g. no special donation items.

Not only that it would avoid people making multiple accounts, cross faction chatting etc, which will truly bring back the Vanilla blizzlike feeling. It would reduce the number of hackers, bug abusers, unpleasant and abusive people as a whole, because who's going to pay a subscription to then get their account banned permanently? It worked in retail for sure. It would give the server more of a professional view, and a high end view, attracting more authentic players.

Of course, this is just my opinion, and I would be happy to pay into something like this. I'm not suggesting we use this, this is just an idea I've had from playing so many years and seeing so many failed servers.

Re: What is not Blizzlike about Nostalrius?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:15 pm
by Osiris
Sélenne wrote:Oh ok, you mean that this other server will have a donation option, sorry

Yep :)

Mode wrote:First of all I'd like to see Hello to everyone. This is my first post on Nostarius after weeks of peeking in and looking at the youtube videos and research online, I hope to be playing with you all soon.

So basically, this server looks very promising, to the point where I'm hoping it will be pretty much identical to Vanilla wow when it first started (maybe with a few more fixes).

To all those players out there who experienced vanilla in the beta and after, wouldn't it be great to get that nostalgia and that feeling back? It's pretty much what some of us have been searching for the past 8 years or so, and which we obviously haven't found, otherwise we wouldn't be here.

I think "donate" for items would ruin the nostalgia and the objective of the server as a whole. I'm not sure if this is going to be implemented, but from what I see it isn't.

On the other hand servers always need a steady income in order to maintain and upgrade etc, which is completely understandable, and let's be honest, not many people are generous enough to donate for nothing in return.

I've ALWAYS said, that If ever comes a time, where someone decides to bring out a Vanilla server, that is literally aiming to be as close and Blizzlike as possible and proves it, I would without a doubt, be happy to PAY a monthly subscription as long as it wasn't a ridiculous price.

This "monthly subscription" for me would be a peace of mind, that the server is going to be maintained, it's going to be safe and consistent, and people are all getting the same kind of treatment e.g. no special donation items.

Not only that it would avoid people making multiple accounts, cross faction chatting etc, which will truly bring back the Vanilla blizzlike feeling. It would reduce the number of hackers, bug abusers, unpleasant and abusive people as a whole, because who's going to pay a subscription to then get their account banned permanently? It worked in retail for sure. It would give the server more of a professional view, and a high end view, attracting more authentic players.

Of course, this is just my opinion, and I would be happy to pay into something like this. I'm not suggesting we use this, this is just an idea I've had from playing so many years and seeing so many failed servers.

I agree, but only as long as donations do not break any game mechanics. If I can donate and get a great server in return (plus maybe a panda pet), I'd do it. But I would not like to see paid services like faction change, double xp leveling, etc.

Re: What is not Blizzlike about Nostalrius?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:17 pm
by Linc
Pure Blizzlike ftw! :D

Re: What is not Blizzlike about Nostalrius?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:23 pm
by Haeryung
I agree with donation / sub fee is fine as long as its not breaking anything with balance or experiance within the game.

I think its amazong that there are people who take their time and effort to create a server like this for maybe hundred of other people to enjoy.

Makes me belive in the humanity in the world ^^

Re: What is not Blizzlike about Nostalrius?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 4:10 pm
by Drain
Blizzard eventually sold name, faction, and race changes themselves, so I wouldn't say these things aren't Blizzlike. They also sold mounts and pets(Which don't help in combat or your character one bit). Additionally, they sold realm transfers, although that's irrelevant when a private server has only a single realm. I don't have dates on exactly when they started selling each of these, if you're trying to pick the ones done in Classic and not later, but I think that's kind of silly anyway. You could do all of them now, or none of them. It doesn't matter. They don't give any unfair advantages or impact the game, and brings in some revenue to the server. Most of them are an account service rather than a cash shop. I would probably buy that Strat horse myself, if they sold one. That's not much different than buying a skin in League of Legends. It doesn't do anything to actually help you fight; it just makes you look classy. So you have a cooler horse or pet murloc with a top hat, neither are actually going to help you fight.

The problem is that a lot of servers flat out sell equipment, or give vote reward points that can then be traded for the same thing. Being able to just buy raid equipment rather than raid for it totally wrecks the game. These practices are quite disappointing, yet plague plenty of servers. You should never sell any combat related equipment for the game. You could MAYBE sell rate boosts with an optional sub; but shouldn't ever do actual equipment. If you gave subs a small rate boost, that's already good enough to get people to give you money. This is what a lot of F2P games do, which is what a private server basically is, since the sub isn't required like it is on retail. This is not Blizzlike, but Blizzlike charges a sub in the first place just to play, and no one is going to give you one without some kind of incentive.