Too many horde who gank and grief

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Too many horde who gank and grief

by GenieDabs » Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:06 am

I'm sorry but STV is impossible to level in as alliance. the amount of horde is silly. They all gank they all are in numbers and they almost always grief. Im sorry but something must be done i like PVP as much as the next guy but it has gotten to the point where you can not level in STV as alliance or have a fair pvp fight because once you are engaged by the horde two more come out of the wet works and help their buddy. They need to stop allowing people make horde characters for some time or allow us to toggle pvp in certain zones. Today i was farmed by 6 separate people for an hour. I rez kill a mob then get ganked by two horde then i rez kill a mob and get ganked by two different horde. Please do something about this.

Also inb4 roll horde. I refuse to do this because of how large the horde population already is. It is not a fun server if 95% of people are on one faction.
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Re: Too many horde who gank and grief

by Aunstic » Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:08 am

Stop bitching and move to another zone.
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Re: Too many horde who gank and grief

by NicolasMage » Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:10 am

Go to Hillsbrad and join the groups of lvl35+ Alliance that like to kill the lvl22-28 hordes.

Ganking works both ways, find a different leveling zone: there's plenty.

Don't tell me that STV is the best leveling zone, if you die after every mob then leveling there is extremely slow and it therefore is not the best leveling zone. This isn't a single player server, you have to learn to adapt to your environment.
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Re: Too many horde who gank and grief

by GenieDabs » Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:10 am

I have a lot of quests in STV i shouldn't have to move zones. also it is not just stv that is having this problem its just stv is by far the most frustrating
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Re: Too many horde who gank and grief

by OGTUCKER117 » Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:13 am

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Re: Too many horde who gank and grief

by Orcduck » Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:24 am

GenieDabs wrote:I'm sorry but STV is impossible to level in as alliance. the amount of horde is silly. They all gank they all are in numbers and they almost always grief. Im sorry but something must be done i like PVP as much as the next guy but it has gotten to the point where you can not level in STV as alliance or have a fair pvp fight because once you are engaged by the horde two more come out of the wet works and help their buddy. They need to stop allowing people make horde characters for some time or allow us to toggle pvp in certain zones. Today i was farmed by 6 separate people for an hour. I rez kill a mob then get ganked by two horde then i rez kill a mob and get ganked by two different horde. Please do something about this.

Also inb4 roll horde. I refuse to do this because of how large the horde population already is. It is not a fun server if 95% of people are on one faction.

95%? I get thats an exaggeration but The server pop is more like half and half, if not slightly skewed toward the alliance.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Too many horde who gank and grief

by Aunstic » Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:25 am

GenieDabs wrote:I have a lot of quests in STV i shouldn't have to move zones.

Then stop bitching and take 3 weeks to gain level. It's your play style. Not mine. Don't punish the entire other faction because you can't comprehend WoW logistics.
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Re: Too many horde who gank and grief

by Redcap » Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:31 am

Aunstic wrote:Stop bitching and move to another zone.

Sorry dude, I'm not even seriously playing on the server. But that's how life is on a PvP server. When I play horde, I do the noob areas in mulgore, durotar, then the sepulchre, head back and do all of mulgore, all of durotar, and then hit barrens with level 16 and max faction + coin under my belt. By staging quests in barrens, Stonetalon, and Ashenvale, you can work it so that you only go into the contested zones when quests are green and you're at a higher than usual level for them, and keep that edge if you bump into an enemy player.

PvP servers are about doing LOTS of green quests for your own survival. Alliance side can do the same thing with the dun morrogh, teldrassil, loch modan, darkshore, ashenvale + stonetalon + wetlands shuffle. Forget Redridge. That place sucks.
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Re: Too many horde who gank and grief

by GenieDabs » Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:31 am

Why should i be forced to take 3 weeks to level??? Its not punishing the other faction if i have the ability to turn my pvp on or off in high populated areas. I can tell that this autistic guy is apart of the problem.
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Re: Too many horde who gank and grief

by Collateral » Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:36 am

One of the guys that killed you was me ryte?
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