I did the same.
I confess that I am "new" in Azeroth. I started in 2009 but stopped before it even reaches the most interesting part of the game (end-game). Last year I returned. Now, once again, I'm leaving. Before, even in 2009, the atmosphere was completely different. The players, the environment, how you got involved ... The world itself was a character. The argument of "blindness of nostalgia" obviously does not apply to me, since I have little playing time. Simply, the game failed to delight and surprise to try to grow and sell.
Kung Fu Pandas, I won't miss you. Flying dragons, tigers, poney's and other flying things... I won't miss you too (I never liked the idea to get anywhere flying by yourself, as well as the ground mounts become obsolete and makes the world seem tiny). Goodbye werewolfs!