Phaleg wrote:Webby1 wrote:Might wanna explain how da hell that is possible?
Please fix these piece of shit duping
Not every case of people having epic mounts is the result of duping. This game is ten years old, and people have found optimal farming strategies, playing the AH, and other tactics to make large amounts of gold quickly.
pretty much this...i have around 6 days ingame, alot of that was from afking in OG id even say a day or two,
lvl 53 have over 300g on me aswell as 500ish g worth of all kinds of mats and a mount. the game is out for over 10 years, its easy.
ill give you a small example on how easy it was to get lvl 40 mount money before you even hit 40...deadly blunderbus. and thats just one thing. people were buying it for 1g each at one point it was silly.