This past raidweek I have noticed some interesting behavior concerning Realmplayers / Raidstats records go, mainly that some bosses are recording, but some are not in terms of guild records, server records, and what have you. I'm curious as to whether or not there are specific requirements for records to be updated or disqualified, or if realmplayers is just having a hiccup and losing its reliability as a tool for raiding.
The events that I mentioned that lead me to doubting Realmplayers is that over this raid week in BWL, I broke 3 guild healing records, Broodlord, Chromaggus, and Nefarian, and another healer broke the previous Firemaw healing record. However, the Nefarian and Broodlord records were not updated, but the Nefarian and Firemaw records were updated.
Encounters / Records in question:
Guild Record Rexdruid @ 296.3 HPS // Recorded Raid Dreary @ 325 HPS
Firemaw (this one was updated correctly):
Previous Guild Record Dreary @ 456.9 HPS // New Guild Record Stunty @ 570 HPS
Chromaggus (again, this one was updated correctly):
Previous Guild Record Stunty @ 212.2 HPS // New Guild Record Dreary @ 259 HPS
Guild Record Stunty @ 213.5 HPS // Recorded Raid Dreary @ 317 HPS
Not only are they not updating for Guild Records, they are not recording for Realm Records. For example, you can see Realm Record Nefarian here. Had our Nefarian from tonight been applied to records properly, my 317 HPS would have me at 9th overall for Nefarian, or 4th overall Paladin.
TL;DR: Something is fucked with Raidstats, or I'm taking crazy pills, help me