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Does 1x leveling rate weed out many bads?

Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:36 am
by DarkPhenomenon
Retail was full of idiots, do I dare think that Nos having a 1x leveling rate and no pay2win will prevent a lot of bad people from even hitting 60?
I guess I'm asking if the quality of player is higher by default in private servers since I'm pretty new to non-retail wow servers.
Re: Does 1x leveling rate weed out many bads?

Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:38 am
by azreal313
I haven't encountered any special ed players in my groups so far, don't know if that means anything.
Re: Does 1x leveling rate weed out many bads?

Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:42 am
by wolfqueen
Sadly the fact that it's slow doesn't make it any harder, the group of first 60s is surely one of the high quality players to have with you but they are already in guilds etc. The second wave of 60s will have people who are decent in this game and in a month or two it will be everyone who joined late but he is decent and the slow levelers/people that had enough patience.
TL;DR The high quality people are in guilds already, patient people will level up eventually but it doesn't mean that they are decent at this game.
Re: Does 1x leveling rate weed out many bads?

Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:42 am
by Quickbowjob
Hey guys we got a badass over here!
Re: Does 1x leveling rate weed out many bads?

Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:44 am
by azreal313
Quickbowjob wrote:Hey guys we got a badass over here!
Thanks for your really intelligent input.
Re: Does 1x leveling rate weed out many bads?

Fri Mar 20, 2015 2:37 am
by gzus
1x leveling is a casual filter
Re: Does 1x leveling rate weed out many bads?

Fri Mar 20, 2015 2:43 am
by Zor
wolfqueen wrote:Sadly the fact that it's slow doesn't make it any harder, the group of first 60s is surely one of the high quality players to have with you but they are already in guilds etc. The second wave of 60s will have people who are decent in this game and in a month or two it will be everyone who joined late but he is decent and the slow levelers/people that had enough patience.
TL;DR The high quality people are in guilds already, patient people will level up eventually but it doesn't mean that they are decent at this game.
Re: Does 1x leveling rate weed out many bads?

Fri Mar 20, 2015 4:08 am
by neozeromus
it means some people just have a lot of people on their hands
Re: Does 1x leveling rate weed out many bads?

Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:52 am
by Moxey
It will filter out some of the trash we see on servers like Molten and GD and other near insta leveling servers with broken drop rates.
But many of the people who hate leveling will just use bots to level for them.
And no nostalrius does not detect/ban all of the leveling bots.
Re: Does 1x leveling rate weed out many bads?

Fri Mar 20, 2015 6:12 am
by Ivo
Im lvl 25 atm and it will be months before i even hit 60. Does this mean i cant play the game? No this means i have a life outside of Azeroth and im not nolife MMO weirdo that hits 60 within a week.
As for having to filter out scum, well since my Vanilla experience comes from RPPvP server (and in RP server you usually have more intelligent and mature playerbase) then im not very pleased with the playerbase on Nostalrius. There are nice people i have met but many are also just bad players or arrogant kids.