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For all those PvP test haters

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 8:05 am
by Kratuzov
Greetings, before I start something, I have to tell that I am watching this server a long time and I would like to thank Devs, GMs and everyone that do something for server. And even all the testers that was here on PvP test few days ago with me.

And now for everyone that was raging on state of bugs/problems which were available. Most of you probably even saw raging post on forums of our "foes", one server i dont want to mention. As much as you dont want to accept it, you are still interested in this server, and probably most of You will still play here, as much as most of our people will play there. THIS is normal. We are not taking husbands, wifes, we are playing games. We are one community as gamers.

And for state of development/PvP test. I must confess that even I was angry about how many bugs was present, but then, after few days it hit me. Everyone was talking about how server told that everything is ready for launch and WE saw how it is not. But you know what? Do you thing that Dev that is repairing bugs in mysql is doing it in game with another Dev during duels? Nope, everything is in tables totaly outside game somewhere else. I dont know current method, but there were times where I was GM on few servers, and on one server I was even helping Devs. And I can say its not that easy as you think. Repair things, compile, test. Even only process of compilation took ONLY 6 hours, sure there were much worst computers than today but still. Then test that thing, find another then again and again and again. This process is for more advance things as for example Scripts. Thats the thing, when you face some boss and he is doing exactly what he is doing. THIS are thigs that take most time.
Then there are things that CAN be repaired in simple tables even during running server, where simple restart is needed and they start to work. Those are things that take few minutes, so sometimes seconds. These things are, what we were trying to make to work. And those smalll things cant be done without proper testing. While Devs repair big things, we help them to make them see small things they do not see while working in tables outside. Even when we saw plenty of bugs in PvP test, those were those small things, and we dont even know if those things are not the last thing the server have to repair. So lets let them time to repair big and small things. In mean time lets help them by doing what we can and what we are able to.
And please, dont rage because or other people. We are all gamers.

Thank you very much.

Re: For all those PvP test haters

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 6:26 pm
by Imbaslap
I agree,
the Devs did an amazing job responding to all the bug reports and corrected most right on the spot that could be fixed.
I would prefer a great and active dev team over "said" server who's been out for years collecting donations who cant even fix the basic bugs. (feenix)
I'd say this dev team out performs the other live servers at the moment and am happy with what they have done. I can definitely see Nos being really polished after released and more beta tests.

props to the dev team!

Re: For all those PvP test haters

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 6:58 pm
by Kratuzov
Well... Honestly i didnt meant Feenix. :D I dont think that that server is a little bit of rival for us. I meant some other server which is new project same as Nos. On their forum there was one topic full of nonsense about Nostalrius. Raging people that now nothing about how server is done.

Re: For all those PvP test haters

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:50 pm
by Cornholi
From what I remember on that thread in Kronos (it's gone now for whatever reason) they were mainly complaining about the fact that the devs of Nos were saying that the server is ready and that they were only waiting on the players, which I don't know if it's vaild or not because I don't remember exactly if they said that.

Re: For all those PvP test haters

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 10:26 pm
by Cachexic
Well said Kratuzov. They did a very good job on the pvp test weekend! its great to read, that theyve fixed that many bugs within a very short period of time. The gameplay also felt very very smooth combined with the low ping! This experience I never had on any other Project! Thumb in the air!

Keep it up guys!

Re: For all those PvP test haters

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:21 pm
by Drain
I don't know how true that is Cornholi. I don't think they ever implied everything was ready or that they were just sitting around waiting for players. This seems more like an assumption made by followers. Hopefully, after this test with plenty of issues, players realize the truth. The server is still a work in progress. This is why it was given a test and not a full release.

That said, I think it was a fine beta test. In just hours, they got what probably looked like an overwhelming amount of reports. That doesn't necessarily mean the server is totally broken in every imaginable way. It means they had a lot of people really pounding the server looking for issues everywhere they could be found, and reported them, which was kind of the point. Now the staff can move to fixing everything, along with investigating claims of things that weren't properly retail. I reported a lot of things myself in the 4 hours I got to test. Most of them were legitimate reports of things they should fix, with only a few being in error. It really tests your memory of Classic!

Re: For all those PvP test haters

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:28 am
by Cornholi
Ya Drain it seemed to be a little bit too silly when I heard it (I don't remember if it was on the Rebirth subreddit or the Corecraft forums or somewhere else), but I remember reading that if Nostalrius got more Facebook likes or something like that, that it would get released, seems ridiculous now in retrospect.

But I'm glad the PvP test fulfilled it's purpose, that can only make the server better.

Re: For all those PvP test haters

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:24 pm
by cardk