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ice shards does not work? (frost talent)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:30 pm
by cydapb
I would like to immediately apologize for my English language skills, mostly message via electronic translator.
Play for frost mage and as far as I know he is not working "Ice Shards" talent. Below I will write why it is so decided.
"frostbolt" 3 rank ~ 50dmg
"frostbolt" 3 rank with crit ~ 100dmg
"frostbolt" 3 rank with crit + "Ice Shards" 5/5 ~ 100dmg? the same as that without talent.

Re: ice shards does not work? (frost talent)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:36 pm
by cydapb
Someone from frost mages can confirm or deny this?
or a situation just me?

Re: ice shards does not work? (frost talent)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 11:04 pm
by Kdg
I really hope it is working. Not frost atm so can't really test. Can someone say it's working for sure?

Re: ice shards does not work? (frost talent)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 11:14 pm
by Astixium
Test it on the same target about 20 times minimum with and without. Remember that frostbolts damage ain't static it has a minimum and a maximum, you can crit for 100 without the talent cause your frostbolt hitted for maximum damage and then hit for 100 with Ice Shards cause your frostbolt hitted for minimum damage. At lvl 20 or so when I respeced from Shatter to Ice Shard I saw a damage increase to be honest but that's not a reliable source, so you could test it yourself.

Re: ice shards does not work? (frost talent)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 11:31 pm
by Kdg
Astixium wrote:Test it on the same target about 20 times minimum with and without. Remember that frostbolts damage ain't static it has a minimum and a maximum, you can crit for 100 without the talent cause your frostbolt hitted for maximum damage and then hit for 100 with Ice Shards cause your frostbolt hitted for minimum damage. At lvl 20 or so when I respeced from Shatter to Ice Shard I saw a damage increase to be honest but that's not a reliable source, so you could test it yourself.

Spot me the gold and I'll gladly

Re: ice shards does not work? (frost talent)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 11:39 pm
by Youfie
Just use SWS, cast a few hundreds bolts with the talents and look at the "Average effects" stat ;). No partial resist on FB so it's safe to use regardless of your targets :)

Re: ice shards does not work? (frost talent)

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 9:39 am
by cydapb
Although this topic is already outdated, but I would still like to unsubscribe here that I was wrong, I double-checked the work of talent almost immediately after the publication of threads and forgot to put the results here, everything was corny, I mistakenly thought that the default magic crit 200% dmg, and not 150% dmg.

Code: Select all
6 level mage attack 1-4 lvl mobs (without "Ice Shards" talent).
Frostbolt 1 rank (tooltip 18-20 damage)
normal 19-20-21 (i tested)
crit   28-30-31 (i tested)
default crit 0/5 Ice Shards = 150% for 6 lvl mage (Frostbolt 1 rank) to 1-4 lvl mobs.

26 level mage attack "Gray Bear" 21 level (with "Ice Shards" talent 5/5).
Frostbolt 1 rank (tooltip 18-20 frost damage):
21 22 21 22 21 20 22 21 22 20 20 22 20 22 22 20 21 22 20 21 22 22 21 20 20 22 20 22 21 20 21 21 20 22 22 40 21 21 20 22 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 22 resist 20 44 22 44 20 21 21 20
non critical damage: 20-22 (avg ~21)
critical damage: 40-44 (avg ~42) 200% of normal.


Fire Blast 1 rank (tooltip 24-32 fire damage):
28 33 28 33 29 30 32 30 27 34 35 33 52 30 32 27 32 29 32 32 31 35 32 35 27 31 33 30 30 33 35 27 35 33 27 32 31 32 31 resist 31 29 35 29 29 29 29 31 28 30 27 28 33 35 27 30 31 33 30 33 35 32 27 31 32 28 28 29 48 34 33 48
non critical damage: 27-35 (avg ~31)
critical damage: 48-52 (avg ~50) 161% of normal.


Arcane Missiles 1 rank (tooltip 24 Arcane damage):
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 37 25 25 25 37 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 resist  24 24 24 24 37
non critical damage: 25 (avg 25)
critical damage: 37 (avg 37) 148% of normal.
