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Script a min level for General Chat please.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 10:16 am
by Ripley
Devs, please help stop the nonsense of people creating lv1's to spam the world chats with garbage constantly.
Many servers create a quick script for this. Don't allow people to talk in general until lv5
(lv10 is a bit harsh when people need to LFG for quests in their zones)

People wont do 5 levels just to spam chats. It'll work out fine.

" You are unable to speak in general chat until you are level 5" is what message you should see.

/sign if you agree

Re: Script a min level for General Chat please.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 10:39 am
by Khandz
It's not BlizzLike, sorry to dissapoint you.

Re: Script a min level for General Chat please.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 10:43 am
by Cantrip
Please create a ticket providing names & screenshots of said players in that specific chat channel, when it occurs.

- Cantrip

Re: Script a min level for General Chat please.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 10:43 am
by Ripley
If you want to get stupid about 'blizzlike'
Then its not blizzlike to allow people to create new alts to spam over and over without any punishment

Re: Script a min level for General Chat please.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 10:48 am
by Rumpelholz
Until so much class stuff and Dungeonsquest like in Uldaman is broken.....please stop talking about "blizzlike"!!

The idiots called "mods" in worldchannel, kicking every player they don´t like and lvl 1spamming 24/7 is horrible...Blizzlike or not!

It´s not Blizzlike with so much racism in Chat without punishment, so start ban These People like Blizzard did!

Re: Script a min level for General Chat please.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 10:49 am
by Khandz
Ripley wrote:If you want to get stupid about 'blizzlike'
Then its not blizzlike to allow people to create new alts to spam over and over without any punishment

Not sure...

Re: Script a min level for General Chat please.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 10:53 am
by Ripley
Cantrip wrote:Please create a ticket providing names & screenshots of said players in that specific chat channel, when it occurs.

- Cantrip

Thank you for the reply. But just so we are clear on why I bring this up:

Random person makes an account
get banned from the chat
come back on with a new character
get banned from the chat

account banned?
Makes another account (pointless additions to your database)
New character
spam garbage

and so on..

You have many many people doing this all day everyday so far, and because Nostalrius is already incredibly popular, you will have people making accounts from now until forever, as there is nothing stopping them from talking as a lv1 and disrupting important channels with pointless garbage.

Thank you for reading.

Re: Script a min level for General Chat please.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:03 am
by Ripley
Thank you, that is all I ask. Appreciate you taking it seriously.

Re: Script a min level for General Chat please.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:04 am
by Cantrip
Just so we're clear, this was all occuring in official chat-channels such as General and Trade, am I correct?

- Cantrip

Re: Script a min level for General Chat please.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:07 am
by Ripley
Definitely, but yea I can say its more in user created channels that are incredibly important to players for group finding. Its just complete disruption to gameplay right now.

Hordeside: our main channels used for group finding

/join world
/join LookingForGroup

people who play private servers know very well to /join world
Its a place people will create accounts to spam.