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Players posing as GMS

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 4:54 pm
by Im2flow
Hello everyone! I'm posting here today too let the GM's know that people are posing as them and sending fake auction house Mail. Too the degree of Your auction house item ran into a problem and nostalrius staff has returned it.

Please just ban people like this

His name is in the mail

Re: Players posing as GMS

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:11 pm
by Kaelang
This is a known scam on the server with the COD system.

Opening a ticket with evidence or posting on the forums is the best way to go :) As you've got a screenshot I'm sure a staff member will get involved with this situation however they may not directly tell you if action has been taken plus they may get in contact with you in-game for the players name as I can't see it on the screenshot.

Thanks for reporting these though as it's removing the scammers day by day. :)