Not only do I already admire the dedication of these guys, because I do, but this just did it for me. This thread is not about Grizzly however, but the sheer QUALITY of this server.
Having followed the progress of several guilds here, I now fully realize the scope of dedication and hard work the devs put into scripting Molten Core. Truly, truly breathtaking. I went on an emotional journey from the very first pull.
The bosses were flawlessly crafted by, dare I say, the most talented developers in the entire world. I respect you beyond reason for the TRANSPARENCY you have delivered in this.
by Viper » Sun Nov 02, 2014 6:01 pm
What is Nostalrius ?
Despite many vanilla private servers attempts, none actually fulfilled players needs. After 4 years of development, Nostalrius provides you the adventure that you always dreamed of, as it was just before the first expansion Burning Crusade, a golden age for most players.
Additional quotes from the release trailer:
Challenging Encounters
40 Player Raids
I can attest to the fact that both Challenging Encounters and 40 Player Raids are INDEED a part of this server! Let me make this clear, EVERY SINGLE BOSS WORKS. YES, IT'S TRUE, BELIEVE THE HYPE!!!!!!!!1455
This tells us that we can trust what they say! Another fantastic quality about Nostalrius, which I really do appreciate.
So yeah, anyway. That's all from me I guess. In closing, I'd just like to wish you the best of luck with Blackwing Lair! It's going to be a blast I'm sure, as we'll see the same amazing detailed scripts as we did in Molten Core; TRULY a journey that MUST be EXPERIENCED!
Thank you to everyone at Nostalrius.
//howard stern