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Nostalrius best Vanilla, Who is best TBC?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 3:30 pm
by worugru
Hello lovely people of Nostalrius,

I have been playing here for almost 3 weeks now and this server is literally better than retail that i played back in day (jaedenar-eu). I am so glad, if i was not poor from 2th world, i would even donate.


I wanted to ask if there is any server like this, for TBC? i have seen few but they were really not good, not even close to quality of Nostalrius. Or are there any plans to open TBC server from makers of Nostalrius?

Re: Nostalrius best Vanilla, Who is best TBC?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:04 pm
by Noxm
Put TBC in Search bar seem really hard for you ?

What's next once all the content will be cleared
A new TBC server will be opened after some months by the community we depend on. This new realm will be completely independent from Nostalrius Begins, that will continue to be supported. Additionnaly, the Nostalrius players will have the possibility to copy any character to the Burning Crusade realm. Once again, Nostalrius Begins will always stay online, and will always have its own dedicated staff.

Source : FAQ