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Some concerns regarding how issues are handled......

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:50 pm
by Cataclysm
Hi Nostalrius.

I would love to get some answers regarding a few certain issues.

Regarding restoring items

After losing two items due to a rollback last wednesday in MC, we petitioned a ticket for them.

This is the answer we got:

Later this week, during NOPE's MC raid, they experienced a similar crash after killing Sulfuron Harbinger, and Golemagg the Incinerator. After the raid, they petitioned tickets and, with no fuss, got their items back:


Furthermore you can read this comment.

What changed? There has been no announcements of this change anywhere on the forums. How come our case is treated differently?

Regarding the resetting of raids

So for those who don't know about it yet, earlier this evening, <NOPE> went in and killed Onyxia. Her resetting today, however, was not intended. Onyxia is on a 5 day reset schedule and should NOT be up again for another (as of writing this) 1 day and 16 hours:

Grizzly's raid ID:

Ridin Dirty's raid ID:

This can probably just be considered as a bug, and hopefully NOPE just assumed that it was on a 7 day reset schedule, but it's troubling nonetheless. Between NOPE, Ridin Dirty and GRIZZLY, our Molten Core ID's all reset on the first crash after the raid. Something similar must've happened (but, somehow only to NOPEs onyxia). Either way it makes for unfair play between the guilds, to have one guild given an extra reset.

Regarding controversial responses

After we killed Onyxia the first night, and her neither giving any head nor any skins, we (obviously) submitted a ticket for it. This is the response:

After NOPE killed Onyxia, and just aswell not recieving any head, they submitted a ticket too:

Within 2 hours, they had gotten their head back.

What changed here? Why were we told that it was intended?

Is this how it's going to be in the future aswell? Are different guilds going to be treated differently when asking for help with the very same issues? Or did the policy somehow magically change within a few days?

Somewhere along this I couldn't help but stop to think that there were some sort of bias. And it doesn't help that when we try to help, like reporting the MC-resetting-issue we get treated as such: (Read from bottom and up)


Please help us understand. All we want is a fair playfield, because the progression race becomes very much un-interesting if this is how it's going to look like.

Re: Some concerns regarding how issues are handled......

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:56 pm
by pete4613
This is absolutely something to be concerned of, the lack of professionalism is disturbing. But as you mentioned, a fair playing field would be appreciated, specially on such a hyped project as Nos.

Re: Some concerns regarding how issues are handled......

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:59 pm
by Eldemer
Take note GRIZZLY haters....

THAT is how you provide proof to back up your claims.

I've seen stuff like this happen on other private servers, and this sort of preferential treatment does a lot more harm than the GMs probably realize. I hope for their sake they correct the issues clearly outlined in Cataclysm's post here.

Re: Some concerns regarding how issues are handled......

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:00 pm
by Aphromatic
Perhaps the communication is not on point between some of the GM's.

Re: Some concerns regarding how issues are handled......

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:01 pm
by Windi
I think the overall theme should just be a lack of communication with the players, whether it be in content or promptness. It seems like it takes days to get answers to simple questions. I am all for talking it over with each other and making a Team decision that you think is best for the project, but at the same time, it should not take you 5 days to get back to someone who contacted you directly regarding something that is potentially a major issue.

As a side note, when major decisions are made, the knowledge of said decision should be known by the whole Nost team, so that everything works smoothly.

Re: Some concerns regarding how issues are handled......

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:01 pm
damn that is kinda strange and worrying

Re: Some concerns regarding how issues are handled......

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:01 pm
by nervous
Please delete this thread as it does not put GRIZZLY in a bad light and it has multiple screenshots.

Stand strong fellow Americans, just as we trailblazed MC on this server, so too shall we extinguish the fires of corruption.
