It JUST another server, the difference is that Nostalrius has a big population thats all. I really enjoyed until now the game, i am already lvl 34, more then 4 days of time played, but really... i can hold on this anymore...
Lets resume:
- Hunter pets imba damage.
- Retaliation dodged attacks dont activate overpower.
- Some bugs like SM or Alterac valley bugs on their path and stay stopped behind pilars or walls (although their focusing you).
- Visual annoying bugs like fishing one.
- Ragnaros bug which has been exploited by NOPE. (and meavy grizzly too, im not gonna focus on this now)
- Worst client assitance ever seen. (They prefer to delete tickets instead answer).
- Mobs which are not allowed to swimming they do.
- Learning abilities can make you lose the gold and dont learn the ability.
- Rollbacks every day (some people already lost BoE epics and didnt receive anything back)
- The most toxic community i ever met in any private server.
Broken and exploitable raid scripts, mob packs missing, abhorrent behaviour by the GM team as shown in the GRIZZLY thread earlier today, server instability during peak hours, more class bugs (and some seriously fucked up ones at that) than I can count and the list goes on.
I've been having a blast on this server but the more things pan out the more worried I get about the future of the server.
Whatever, i know there are no more sites to play on vanilla, since this is the best server xD, but im constantly wondering if Nostalrius is really worth enough.