But what did you expect?
Nostalrius drop rates are turned up 10x across the board on almost everything, including herb nodes. Take a flight from UC to light's hope and look at your minimap - it's a fireworks display of yellow dots, sometimes clustered up to 10 herbs in one tiny spot.
And what about ironfoe and all the rest of the rare 5man epics? Everyone's got them, especially the raiding guilds who spammed these dungeons. The drop rates are massively buffed on nostalrius and if we're going to do something about it, it better be fair. In other words, just fix the rates, don't go around deleting people's stuff. I asstimate that you'd have to delete gear from 75+% of the raiding and preraid people and it's going to get real ugly.
Enjoy your weekend. Adieu for now, m'ladies.