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My TBC and WOTLK lvl 60 raiding guild.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 7:55 am
by Xadas
<Heralds Of Yore>
oh what a fun time that was. A whole group of people bought a new wow account in order to make a lvl 60 guild on Smolderthorn. There we raided MC, Ony, Bdubs, Aq etc etc. We had a blast.
Yes, the new talents made it easier, but thats not the point. We actually had a whole guild of people there just for the lvl 60 content. Our guild had such a huge reputation on the server that an opposing Alliance guild in mostly T3 gear called <Rocking The Nine Set> X-ferred over to us in order to have world pvp/fun times.
My Tier 2.5 priest would absolutely rape anyone that was below lvl 70, and i actually managed to defeat a Merciless geared lvl 72 hunter once. the memories i made there are priceless. A few of us "core members" logged out inside Naxxramas before they removed it and made it a lvl 80 raid :/
Maybe i'll see some of those old faces here.



Re: My TBC and WOTLK lvl 60 raiding guild.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 10:49 pm
by Raidboss
Good luck finding people you know ;)

Re: My TBC and WOTLK lvl 60 raiding guild.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 2:28 am
by Drain
I should have tried to find a guild like this, but I doubt most realms even had such guilds. What would have been better is Blizzard giving us servers locked with older content, but they only thought about the short term benefit of forcing everyone to buy the next box. They didn't think about the long term benefit of 15$/month from players that would leave. To this day they still ignorantly refuse to accept that not only should they do this, but that they'd also make an absolute killing off of it too. Every private server would immediately lose all its players as everyone subbed back up to play on much better retail realms for the patch they wanted. Probably millions of accounts reactivated for 15$/month each, if they did every version of WoW. Just charge the sub and let players pick whatever patch realm they want. They'd make a ridiculous amount of money all over again. People have been telling them for years to do this, at this point I doubt it'll ever happen.

Re: My TBC and WOTLK lvl 60 raiding guild.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 4:50 am
by Aquane
Drain wrote:millions of accounts reactivated

thats a very wishful expectation, and I'll assume that it isn't an exaggeration

more realistically, it'd probably be closer to about 50-100k accounts, at the most

quite a few people don't quit WoW because of the game declining in quality

Re: My TBC and WOTLK lvl 60 raiding guild.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 5:32 pm
by Trager
I xfered my Druid to Smolderthorn (Andreaic) and had a 70 rogue there as well (Trager)