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Player harassment = "game mechanics"

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:08 pm
by Reiker
So today while doing the quest Are There We There, Yeti? Pt. 2, I ran into 2 players of the guild <Kaamos>, Hosq and Jaakko.

If you've done this quest before, you know the drops from the Yeti Matriarchs and Patriarchs are quite rare. However this quest was made even more frustrating by Hosq, a Priest who would routinely mind control yetis I was fighting and reset them so his partner Jaakko could sit on their spawn point to tag them. If I beat Jaakko to the tag, Hosq would just mind control the yeti and reset it again.

There's a whole cave full of these yetis, so I consider these actions nothing more than plain harassment. To me it's the same thing as abusing Polymorph to heal mobs and kill other players, which people have been warned about abusing. And it's worse when it's conducted by team mates, since PvP isn't an option to counter this sort of childish behavior.

So I submitted a ticket to a GM. I received a response about 5 hours later, and honestly I was a bit surprised.





So at first he says that as long as it's using "game mechanics" then it's okay. Which is a slippery slope, since a lot of totally not-okay things can be boiled down to being just "game mechanics."

Then he caves a bit and says that if I could prove this went on for a significant period of the time, then maybe he'd do something about it. However, how long player harassment has to continue for until a GM takes action appears to be up to discretion.

So, as someone who has never really played WoW before (old EQ veteran), I've been having a lot of fun here. Some drop rates and such have given some players an unfair advantage, but it's nothing outrageous and many retail MMOs have run into similar problems. But this experience with the GM staff has by far been my most disappointing experience on Nostalrius so far. When there are over 6000 simultaneous players on a server, you really can't just throw your hands up in the air and say there are no rules. The GM couldn't even take two minutes to send a message to the offenders warning them of the consequences of repeat offenses. That could at the very least cause these players to think twice about using such tactics against other players in the future.

Anyways, I'm over this particular instance, but I would like to see the staff take a more active approach in ensuring that the server remains fun for everyone playing here.

Your thoughts?

Re: Player harassment = "game mechanics"

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:11 pm
by JimboPete
He told you, he has no proof they did anything wrong.

Provide proof and he will do something.

Like, he literally told you.

Re: Player harassment = "game mechanics"

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:12 pm
its game mechanics and was allowed in retail vanilla and should be allowed here
as a supposed "EQ veteran" this should be no problem compared to some of the stuff in EQ
cry moar

Re: Player harassment = "game mechanics"

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:14 pm
by azreal313
That's pretty pathetic by the individuals involved and it irritates me that the GM can't even give the players at fault a warning, I've had similar things happen to be and its so unbelievably frustrating because there's nothing you can do to stop it. I'm sorry that they did this to you and I hope they get what's coming to them in the future.

Re: Player harassment = "game mechanics"

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:33 pm
by JimboPete
azreal313 wrote:That's pretty pathetic by the individuals involved and it irritates me that the GM can't even give the players at fault a warning, I've had similar things happen to be and its so unbelievably frustrating because there's nothing you can do to stop it. I'm sorry that they did this to you and I hope they get what's coming to them in the future.

More loot?

You can walk away? Come back another time?

Re: Player harassment = "game mechanics"

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:39 pm
by Reiker
JimboPete wrote:He told you, he has no proof they did anything wrong.

Provide proof and he will do something.

Like, he literally told you.

Well, not exactly. He told me that the proof that I did have (screenshots) weren't good enough. This went on for at least 30 minutes so a GM could have watched them in action, but that's not possible when it takes 5 hours to receive a response from your ticket. I'm not complaining about response time on tickets, but there has to be a solution other than you have to be harassed for at least 5 hours before something can be done.

OGTUCKER117 wrote:its game mechanics and was allowed in retail vanilla and should be allowed here
as a supposed "EQ veteran" this should be no problem compared to some of the stuff in EQ
cry moar

You'd be surprised. The GMs are pretty adamant about ousting this kind of negative behavior on P99 (the most popular classic EQ emu server). I guarantee that if a similar situation came up there, a GM would at least talk to the offender(s) about the rules.

The "cry moar" mentality of the internet is exactly what this post is against. I understand that young people play this game and there's nothing wrong with that, but just keep in mind that adults also play and you should interact with others with a bit more respect. Not you specifically, but anyone.

Re: Player harassment = "game mechanics"

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:47 pm
by DrunkenEnvy
It's game mechanics. Nobody wants to see players getting into trouble over playing the game and trying to compete over shit like mob tagging.

Re: Player harassment = "game mechanics"

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:51 pm
by Reiker
It's not "competing over mob tagging." I had tagged the mob and fought it down to 20% before Hosq used mind control to reset it. It's the same thing as using polymorph to heal mobs and kill other players. It's not using game mechanics, it's abusing game mechanics to harass other players. Especially when there's other mobs all over that respawn quickly.

Re: Player harassment = "game mechanics"

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:56 pm
by Blaze
Had a GM watch a guy spam sheeping mobs I was attacking back in redridge the 1st week, he told me that unless he did it for hours on end as well that it wasn't "harassment" but that he will "keep his eye on him."

I mean I'll just go somewhere else to level but at some point you can add a bit of integrity and community to the server by just upholding some basic and common standard of behavior.

Re: Player harassment = "game mechanics"

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:03 pm
Blaze wrote:Had a GM watch a guy spam sheeping mobs I was attacking back in redridge the 1st week, he told me that unless he did it for hours on end as well that it wasn't "harassment" but that he will "keep his eye on him."

I mean I'll just go somewhere else to level but at some point you can add a bit of integrity and community to the server by just upholding some basic and common standard of behavior.

keep it blizzlike guys, remember its part of the game