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PvP bugs, droprates, PVE concerns!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 8:04 am
by bugtraccer
Felhunter silence isnt lasting the full 3 seconds in pvp. The blanket silence effect, not the school lockout on cast.

Capping an AB flag that is contested, if the flag shifts from contested to Horde controlled while Im channeling the cast, I wont get interrupted instead the flag will shift to alliance contested without a chat message.

I casted a spell while stunned by a grenade.

While casting fear, and spamming an instant dot spell during the cast, sometimes my cast gets interrupted and locked out, but both effects land on the target. (latency?)

Loot drop rates are wayy too high, test it yourself by going into Scarlet Monastery and looting a weapon crate (not a chest). They will give a green almost every time.
Also look at the number of Sul'thraze epic weapons, Dal'rend sets etc.

Also I would love if someone from the staff would comment on these unsavory types whp are progressing way to quickly in pve, specifically Grizzly and to some extent Ridin Dirty.
Rumors of them duping and/or hacking are incredibly common not only on this server but on every other private server theyve played on. Regarding grizzly Im concerned about:

Talisman of binding shard on their second(?) MC run

Killing rag and other supposed "gearcheck" bosses, due to them being unfinished or bugged. (bug abuse, yo)

Killing prince anduin, supposed to be unkillable :D just a kid

Heres the problem, just fixing whatever bugged encounter they abused isnt enough, they are already way too far ahead for PVE to be an even race.

Finally, Id like to urge you to SLOW DOWN PVE; Naxx -destroys- gear balance on the server, in PVE and PVP, and if its released any time soon it will be neither blizzlike nor fun for anyone not in grizzly or ridin dirty.

Re: PvP bugs, droprates, PVE concerns!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:57 pm
by bugtraccer

heres the video proof of grizzly bug abusing rag to get the kill, ... WCiY#t=381

haru, the tank, dies and rag bugs out giving them a free kill.

video courtesy of Mryul: