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Nerfing hunters for shits and giggles

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 6:54 pm
by pateuvasiliu

That moment when your pet deals 30 damage to a CLOTH wearer.

That moment when the Warlock pet deals more damage to a LEATHER wearer than a hunter pet deals damage to a CLOTH wearer.

The burial of the Hunter Class is this Sunday at 10 p.m. Server Time, be there to say your farewells.

GG Nostra, best 5 years in dev server ever.

Re: Nerfing hunters for shits and giggles

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 6:57 pm
by nimpie
people were complaining though!! so it's in everyone's best interest to keep the majority happy!

Re: Nerfing hunters for shits and giggles

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:01 pm
by pateuvasiliu
Yeah they also complained when they made Cheetah daze you on dots.

Fuck people.

Re: Nerfing hunters for shits and giggles

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:01 pm
by Nebulus
baby cant win without broken damage? L2P

Re: Nerfing hunters for shits and giggles

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:03 pm
by pateuvasiliu
Nebulus wrote:baby cant win without broken damage? L2P

2/10 would not reply to bait elsewhere

Re: Nerfing hunters for shits and giggles

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:09 pm
by tosheybellamy
L2 aimed shot spec lol, 1 shotting casters since 1832 A.D.

Re: Nerfing hunters for shits and giggles

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:12 pm
by pateuvasiliu
tosheybellamy wrote:L2 aimed shot spec lol, 1 shotting casters since 1832 A.D.

Deals shit damage right now.

250 damage when an enemy my level has over 1K and I need to stay still 3 seconds for it is trash.

Notice how my pet deals 30 damage at a 2.00 ATK speed at level 35 lmao.

Hunters too strong.

#5 #years #in #dev

Re: Nerfing hunters for shits and giggles

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:18 pm
by tosheybellamy
We'll I'm lvl 45 with MM build and Wind serpent and I'm totally fine (1k+ aimed crits on mail). ALSO try to grab a pet with less attack speed - I'd reccomend Ghostpaw Alpha from Ashenvale (1.3). Good luck!

Re: Nerfing hunters for shits and giggles

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:21 pm
by Puu
You are right of course, level 40 raptor pets critting 500+ on autoattacks is how it is supposed to be.

Re: Nerfing hunters for shits and giggles

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:26 pm
by pateuvasiliu
Puu wrote:You are right of course, level 40 raptor pets critting 500+ on autoattacks is how it is supposed to be.

Prints or didn't happen.