These rollbacks...

Need to stop.
Listen I'm okay with constant DC's or crashing, comes with the territory, right?
These rollbacks though, are seriously beginning to get on my nerves. Why is almost every server DC associated with a rollback?
Sometimes when you're just traveling from A to B and you get rolledback, it's no big deal, but how...
- Getting a quest item from a dungeon boss that took hours
- Getting a raid epic
Things like this are happening and it is immensely frustrating.
I wish I could do anything to assist with this issue, but all I can do is say that it is a serious one that is affecting players of all levels who are simply unlucky enough to be in the wrong place when it happens. At this point, it's not even about being unlucky, it's a roll of the dice because these are so frequent.
Please, please, please, instate any sort of mechanism you can to buffer these rollbacks and prevent them from happening so much. Crashing, DC's, whatever, just prevent us from losing our stuff, please. The fact you've stated you've no intention of restoring items is even more concerning in this regard.
Thanks for reading.
Listen I'm okay with constant DC's or crashing, comes with the territory, right?
These rollbacks though, are seriously beginning to get on my nerves. Why is almost every server DC associated with a rollback?
Sometimes when you're just traveling from A to B and you get rolledback, it's no big deal, but how...
- Getting a quest item from a dungeon boss that took hours
- Getting a raid epic
Things like this are happening and it is immensely frustrating.
I wish I could do anything to assist with this issue, but all I can do is say that it is a serious one that is affecting players of all levels who are simply unlucky enough to be in the wrong place when it happens. At this point, it's not even about being unlucky, it's a roll of the dice because these are so frequent.
Please, please, please, instate any sort of mechanism you can to buffer these rollbacks and prevent them from happening so much. Crashing, DC's, whatever, just prevent us from losing our stuff, please. The fact you've stated you've no intention of restoring items is even more concerning in this regard.
Thanks for reading.