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is Improved Righteous Fury bugged?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 10:15 am
by aminfected
i spent 3 talent points for Improved Righteous Fury talent for my paladin,it has too increase the amount of threat generated by Righteous Fury,this talent already affected Righteous Fury (only) in my spellbook but when i use it nothing has been changed in ability details (i mean when you move mouse pointer to the Righteous Fury buff right beside of minimap amount of thread generated is still 60%,should be more)
is that bugged or something like that?

Re: is Improved Righteous Fury bugged?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 11:19 am
by breadlord
It might just be a tooltip bug, its the same with improved blessing of wisdom.

Re: is Improved Righteous Fury bugged?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:12 pm
by aminfected
how can be sure of that? beside Righteous Fury increase amount of threat generated by 60% itself (without improvement),and improved righteous fury increase that amount by 50% (after spending 3 talent points),that means righteous fury must increase amount by 110% after all not 90%(that spellbook thing i mentioned before), am i right?

Re: is Improved Righteous Fury bugged?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 9:40 pm
by joeshmoe
Half of 60 is 30. 30+60=90. So 50% increase of Righteous Fury is 90%. Its not 50% additional, its 50% of ability power. Its Blizz trickiness kinda.. just gotta read carefully.

As for tooltip not showing that may be correct, not alot of tooltips got updated back in Vanilla to show increases. Some did for sure, but alot didnt.

Re: is Improved Righteous Fury bugged?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:25 am
by aminfected
oh yes you are right i guess, there's nothing to be worry about yea? that's just a tooltip problem,right?