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Raid bosses

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:20 am
by Khandz
Hello everyone,

can anyone else confirm if raid-bosses (Drakkistah included) should be taunt-immune? Atleast that's what I recall when I walk down the memory-lane.

As much as I'm fairly accurate(?) when I say bosses was immune to taunt in Classic retail, it just doesn't make any sense that they are currently tauntable. Since I'm sure Nostalrius did their homework.

Hope someone with better memory could confirm/deny this.


Re: Raid bosses

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:51 am
by nervous

1:28 seconds, taunt debuff on Drakkisath.


Elite Google Searcher and Demonist Nervous

Re: Raid bosses

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 5:04 am
by Goodtry
You're thinking of Razorgore maybe? I think he might be taunt immune.

There are more than a few raid bosses that can be taunted. Ebonroc might have actually been a tricky fight if he wasn't...

Re: Raid bosses

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:33 am
by Tekko
I remember in the early days we always had a Hunter kite Drakkisath, so pretty sure he wasn't taunt immune.

Pretty sure I always taunted him after the Hunter fd, I can't remember any bosses not being tauntable outside of raids (I never classed UBRS as a raid).

In proper raids, some bosses were, some weren't.

Re: Raid bosses

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:47 am
by Ryson
That's not how Vanilla WoW used to work, sorry.
In fact, not all bosses used to be taunt immune. Faction leaders (Thrall etc.) were all tauntable, although they are boss level npcs. Also some Raidbosses were tauntable, some weren't. Some of these Bosses even had abilities which cleared all aggro (so they had to be taunted back to the tank). Drakkisath is an example for these kind of encounters, his firebreath dot clears all threat if I recall corecctly (cant remember the name, same ability Razorgore uses)